Lactic Enlightenment Searching for the essence of Milk and Milk Bars

Posted on Wednesday, June 30th, 2004 at 12:36 am. About InSearchOfMilk.

Trip Report - Caernarfon

Pictures are here

Another magnificent drive through the fantastic scenery from Porthmadog to Caernarfon. Heading for the town centre, I went to the ’shoppers’ car park. The plan was to find the main street and look for one of the following

  • An NMB (not likely)
  • A coffee shop that had obviously been an NMB
  • A KFC
  • Tourist Information
  • A Charity shop with a suitably wise helper
  • Errr, that’s the plan

Luckily, the first shop I saw was a Cancer Research shop, so I went in, bought a couple of books to be polite, and asked if the lady knew where the National Milk Bar used to be. Yes, she said, it’s now the KFC opposite.

Sure enough - opposite the Charity Shop was a very ex-NMB-looking KFC.

Picture taken, job done - off to Bangor.

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