The Experience
So, what exactly is a National Milk Bar?
Well, to be honest, I don’t know yet (but this web site is going to be a record of my discoveries)
What I remember about them, however, is that they were:
- Quite large
- Always warm in the Winter
- Filled with tables and chairs (usually plastic chairs and Formica tables)
- Had a long counter with sticky buns, scones, pies, sandwiches, tea, coffee and, of course, MILK
- The Milk was in one of those chilled, clear plastic tubs with a rotating thing to keep it moving
- And there was always a wide selection of brightly coloured milk flavourings on optics behind the ‘bar’
- In a National Milk Bar were folks of all ages and from all walks of life
- And there was always a ‘lost cat’ board with local notices.
Always the centre of the local community, they’d be a perfect place to exchange gossip. Hence the perfect setting for a joke about gossip that relies on the (Northern) Welsh accent for 60% of the Humour.