Lactic Enlightenment Searching for the essence of Milk and Milk Bars

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Posted on June 2nd, 2004. About InSearchOfMilk.

Thought this would be fun. Sparked off by a joke, a bath and a bottle of wine. As the best things in life should be.

Trawling the net to try to explain to somebody what a “National Milk Bar” was, I could find no pictures, no reviews, in fact almost nothing to explain what one was.

I now have a mission, and this site was born.

After much searching, found that was the best tool to find Milk Bars. To get a list of all National Milk Bars in the UK - simply look for a business called “National Milk Bars” in Edinburgh.

Got a bit of a quandry with the Belfast Night Club. And found two mentioned via Google that yell doesn’t seem to acknowledge. However, these puzzles can be sorted out once the other stuff is completed.

Why “There’s Posh” - well - it’s the punch line of the joke that started it all.

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